- https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/DarkerThanBlueArt?ref=s2-header-shopname
Mon - Sun:None
I have created a collection of alternative greeting cards and prints in my own unique style. My drawings are monochromatic using fine art pens which, allows me to create as much detail and depth as possible.
My inspirations have come from a life long love of the Arts, including Music, Dance and my rich cultural heritage. Some of my artwork are of Artists and iconic people who, have inspired me along life’s journey.
My go to point of call for greeting cards that essentially include black people.
I’m aware that Darker Than Blue produce art work on canvass or as post cards.
But mainly I’ve purchased greeting cards for my wife, my newborn goddaughter,congratulatin a friend on a new job etc
and I’ve never been disappointed nor have the recipients.
It also makes a change to your common or garden generic cards avaliable at supermarkets etc.
Above all else it’s a great way to support our own.
As soon as the opportunity presents itself I shall be purchasing prints for the home.